
More Information

Scalaris Monitor is a visualisation and monitoring tool for the Scalaris network. It is under active development and as such some information may be incorrect and some links may not work correctly.

All blockchain information is extracted directly from a running node, in realtime when the page is refreshed. As such the results displayed may vary from refresh to refresh and may be different from the "same" view on a different node at the same time. Since v0.1.2 some of the information is cached in a SQLite3 database which brings some significant performance enhancements and allows for additional functionality.

Geo-IP information is cached in the server since it is not expected to change much.

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Privacy Policy

We don't store any personal information about you, nor share it with anyone.

We use a single cookie - PHPSESSID which is deleted at the end of your session .

DB information

Application database version: 6