Blocknet XCloud services
13 Services registered on the network

XCloud services (showing servicenode=0214a0c5d31622d03a41708d5a31dc6f4e0ae48a8aa5f5fa2b7c92e47a8cab6ce9)

Service name Description Parameters Fee Servicenode Request limit Fetch limit Timeout Disabled Explore
fees Returns transaction fees for all utxo coins supported by the responding server. Usage: fees 0 0214a0c5d31622d03a41708d5a31dc6f4e0ae48a8aa5f5fa2b7c92e47a8cab6ce9 50 50 30 0
getbalance Query for balance of given coin at given addresses. Usage: getbalance [coin] [addresses] string,string 0 0214a0c5d31622d03a41708d5a31dc6f4e0ae48a8aa5f5fa2b7c92e47a8cab6ce9 50 50 30 0
getblock Query for block data of given chain at given block hash. Usage: getblock [chain-ticker] [block-hash] (optional 3rd param of "True" for verbose response) string,string 0 0214a0c5d31622d03a41708d5a31dc6f4e0ae48a8aa5f5fa2b7c92e47a8cab6ce9 50 50 30 0
getblockcount Query for block count of given chain. Usage: getblockcount [chain-ticker] string 0 0214a0c5d31622d03a41708d5a31dc6f4e0ae48a8aa5f5fa2b7c92e47a8cab6ce9 50 50 30 0
getblockhash Query for block hash of given chain at given block height. Usage: getblockhash [chain-ticker] [block-height] string,string 0 0214a0c5d31622d03a41708d5a31dc6f4e0ae48a8aa5f5fa2b7c92e47a8cab6ce9 50 50 30 0
gethistory Query for hist of transactions of given chain at given addresses. Usage: gethistory [chain-ticker] [comma-separated-list-of-addresses] string,string 0 0214a0c5d31622d03a41708d5a31dc6f4e0ae48a8aa5f5fa2b7c92e47a8cab6ce9 50 50 30 0
getrawmempool Query for rawmempool data of given chain. Usage: getrawmempool [chain-ticker] (optional 2nd param of "True" for verbose response) string 0 0214a0c5d31622d03a41708d5a31dc6f4e0ae48a8aa5f5fa2b7c92e47a8cab6ce9 50 50 30 0
getrawtransaction Query for raw transaction data on given chain for given transaction id. Usage: getrawtransaction [chain-ticker] [transaction-id] (optional 3rd param of "True" for verbose response) string,string 0 0214a0c5d31622d03a41708d5a31dc6f4e0ae48a8aa5f5fa2b7c92e47a8cab6ce9 50 50 30 0
gettransaction Query for transaction data on given chain for given transaction id. Usage: gettransaction [chain-ticker] [transaction-id] string,string 0 0214a0c5d31622d03a41708d5a31dc6f4e0ae48a8aa5f5fa2b7c92e47a8cab6ce9 50 50 30 0
getutxos Query for list of utxos on given chain at given addresses. Usage: getutxos [chain-ticker] [comma-separated-list-of-addresses] string,string 0 0214a0c5d31622d03a41708d5a31dc6f4e0ae48a8aa5f5fa2b7c92e47a8cab6ce9 50 50 30 0
heights Returns block heights of all utxo coins supported by the responding server. Usage: heights 0 0214a0c5d31622d03a41708d5a31dc6f4e0ae48a8aa5f5fa2b7c92e47a8cab6ce9 50 50 30 0
ping Returns {"reply": 1, "uuid": } if server is alive. Usage: ping 0 0214a0c5d31622d03a41708d5a31dc6f4e0ae48a8aa5f5fa2b7c92e47a8cab6ce9 50 50 30 0
sendrawtransaction Broadcast raw transaction data on given chain. Usage: sendrawtransaction [chain-ticker] [raw-transaction] string,string 0 0214a0c5d31622d03a41708d5a31dc6f4e0ae48a8aa5f5fa2b7c92e47a8cab6ce9 50 50 30 0